Thursday, February 23, 2023

Sudden Sprout Gradual Oak

Great Seon Ancestor Jinul spoke of "Sudden Enlightenment, Gradual Cultivation." Both the Sudden School and the Gradual School often take issue with this--awakening is either sudden or gradual, they contend. However, once awakening is reached, is it not possible to backslide into worldly concerns, to "un-awakened behavior?" Given the way humans are, that's not an unreasonable statement to make. At the very least, once the acorn has sprouted, there's no harm in giving it a bit of water to make sure the oak stays an oak. Awakening can be getting hit by a bucket of water or walking through a cloud--you still end up wet. But if more water isn't continually applied, how does one stay "wet."
Haengdal Citta gives us the Dharma talk at One Mind Zen on February 22, 2023.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

"No Teacher"

When it was apparent that the Buddha was going to die, Ananda was upset. He was losing his family member, his teacher, someone with whom he'd spent 45 years helping to spread the teachings of the Dharma. The Buddha's last words to him, to the Sangha, and to all of us were:

“Ananda, it may be that you may think: 'The Teacher's instruction has ceased, now we have no teacher.'
It should not be seen like this, for what I have taught and explained to you as Dhamma and the rule will, at my passing, be your teacher.”

"Behold, O monks, this is my last advice to you. All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation."

No teacher can awaken you. The Buddha, Bodhidharma, Seung Sahn, anyone other than ourselves can't awaken you. it's a job we have to do ourselves, and we do it for the sake of all beings.
Myeong Jin Eunsahn gives a brief talk at One Mind Zen of February 15, 2023.

Thursday, February 16, 2023


It could be said that when meditating with our eyes half-shut gazing at a wall or a spot of floor that we're de facto meditating alone. But that isn't entirely accurate. Our practice is ever changing from moment to moment. There may be times when sitting in seclusion is preferable, other times in person with others, or currently, relying on video to meditate with others. Regardless of whatever scenario we find ourselves in, we are always part of the Sangha, and we meditate not for ourselves, but for the sake of all beings. Robert Koho Epstein gives the Dharma talk on February 15, 2023 at One Mind Zen.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

"The Pursuit of Happiness"

"May all beings be happy" says the Metta (Lovingkindness) Sutta. We all want to be happy...all the time, with no possibility that we won't be unhappy, ever. We know that's an unreasonable expectation. But we think of it being unreasonable when it comes to someone else's expectation of happiness. As for us, it's not unreasonable at all, is it? Even if we know intellectually we won't always be happy, we still get fearful, upset, and even more unhappy that we're not happy. Kevin Hae Seong Sheridan gives the talk on February 8, 2023.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

"What is Remembering?"

1  I am subject to aging, I  have not gone beyond aging. 
2. I am subject to illness, have not gone beyond illness.
3. I am subject to death, have not gone beyond death.
4. I am subject to change, separate from all that is dear and appealing to me. 5. I am the owner of my actions, heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir. 

What is it that's subject to aging, sickness, death, change, and karma? What is it? 

 Myeong Jin Eunsahn gives the Dharma talk on February 1, 2023 at One Mind Zen.