Thursday, May 26, 2022

"Right View=Right Listening"

How do we combat the "I'm right/You're wrong" mindset we see all too often today? By listening before speaking, hearing the cries of the world, saving all beings. Ron Kisen Stevenson delivers the Dharma talk on May 25, 2022 at One Mind Zen.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

"Admirable Friendship"

"Admirable friendship, Ananda, is the whole of the practice," says the Buddha in the Upaddha Sutta. It can be easy for us to practice the holy life when we're in our local Sangha, or maybe with members of our order. But can we carry the practice "off the cushion" into the broad Sangha of all sentient beings--even when some of them aren't what we'd consider admirable? The Dharma talk from May 16, 2022 at One Mind Zen.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


We join in sangha activities. We smile. We contemplate love and compassion. We smile. Contemplate discomfort? Smile? Corpses and death? Smile. A child's laughter? Smile. Though your heart is breaking? Smile. It's all good! Brier Haengdal Windwalker gives us the Vesak Dharma talk May 11, 2022.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

"Who Are We?"

Robert Koho Epstein asks the perennial question--the one that causes discomfort--what is this that's dragging this corpse around. The hwadu for the ages, what constitutes this thing we think of as "I." Is it eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind? No, no, no, no, no, and no. The Dharma talk from May 4, 2022 at One Mind Zen.