Thursday, September 29, 2022

"The Five Skandhas"

In the Anatta Lakkhana Sutta, the Buddha describes how we integrate these different elements into one thing--the perceived self. But those troublesome skandhas are nothing but trouble. But Avalokiteshvara saw the all five skandhas are empty, and was saved from all suffering and distress. Robert Koho Epstein gives the Dharma talk on September 28, 2022.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022

"Vast Emptiness, Everything Holy"

In Indra's net, each jewel contains all other jewels, it shows the interpenetration, inter-causality, interdependence, and identity of all things. In the Huayan Sutra, fantastic images and events are shown, some quite unbelievable. But those extraordinary images, events, and beings are the stuff that makes up our daily, unbelievable, fantastic universe...right in front of us. Jonson Sunmin Citta gives the Dharma talk on September 14, 2022 at One Mind Zen.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The How & Why of Zen"


One Mind Zen has been on Zoom & YouTube since April 2020, and it's taken this long for us to give a talk for the beginning practitioner on how to practice Zen meditation, from the first bow to the last. Myeong Jin Eunsahn gives us the "how to" and then the "why" on September 7, 2022,